
Club Coordinators are auxiliary directors that help the Club’s Board plan and enact Club activities. If you have a suggestion for an event please contact the Coordinators. Ideas from the membership are appreciated!

Current Club Coordinators




From gear buys, race kits, training gear, and accessories, the Clothing Coordinators keep Club members outfitted in Club logo’d gear that showcases our colors and great sponsors.

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This team manages the website, Newsletters, Events Bulletins, Calendars, and Social Media sites to keep Club members up to date.

Group Training


This team puts together swim, bike, run events and challenges to bring Club members together for training and fun.

Icy Iron Challenge

Icy Iron HQ manage the annual winter challenge



Meet the crew behind the new member welcome emails and t-shirts, and who to contact with membership questions.



Meet the team that organize clinics, training, and socials to bring new triathletes in contact with veterans, each has so much to learn from each other!

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Meet the team responsible for making sure we have fun together outside the tri suit too!

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This team organizes Club members to help with sponsor races.